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Monday, 11 February 2019 06:08

Exam Department


Examination Department of Kolhan University came into existence when Dr. Suresh Chandra Dash joined as the first Controller of Examinations on 7th October, 2009.

Examination Department is an integral part of any University viz-a-viz Kolhan University of Chaibasa. The prestige of the University depends on the Examination Department to a very large extent. At the end of the day when students leave the university, they carry certificates in their hands, of course, knowledge in their minds and sweet experiences/ memories in their hearts.

Transparency, regularity and flawlessness are the hallmarks of the Examination Department. The certificates issued by the university stand testimony to the quality and commitment of the University as a whole. The University does not test in the students’ knowledge of the domain area through last examination and internal tests. It is through the continuous assessment of the students that the overall performance of the students is tested. The certificates issued by  the University have to reflect the overall performance of the students’ progress tested all through the course period.



Last modified on Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:15

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Last Updated On: 11-03-2023 12:23:10
